Thursday, July 28, 2011

Soul Guidance

I made a last minute change to tonight's show from "Natural Hair Care" to "Soul Guidance."  Jennifer wasn't feeling well, so I hosted the show with impromptu soul guidance.

A brief recap of what came through as I channelled information:

  • The mind is the soul. The soul is the mind.
  • At some point in our lives we question life with questions such as "Why me?" "What's going on with my life?"
  • I have discovered that these questions are keys that unlock the journey of self-discovery to our higher consciousness.
  • Shifting consciousness from sleep to awake, from unaware to aware. 
  • Be sure to document your journey through digital media or writing.  But especially, through writing with pen and notebook. 
Check out the broadcast in our archives @ or click on the above page "Soul SiSTARS Radio" to listen to the player on the site for the archived show.

Be sure to send questions to Jennifer and I for more Soul Guidance for future shows.  Next week's show is another 2-parter on "Yin/Yang Energies & the Divine Feminine" Thursday 8/4 @ 11pm and Friday 8/5 @ 11pm EST. 

Thank you for tuning in! 


Friday, July 22, 2011

Staying True to You Part 1&2

Hey everyone! : )  So this week we did our first 2 parter show.  We were really excited for that! The first part was on Thursday and was about staying true to you in the midst of societal expectations or expectations from family and friends.  Some things we talked about during Part 1 were:

-Having a good sense of self esteem and empowering ourselves.

-Speaking up about any abuse we have been through and bringing it up the Light so we can move forward.

-Loving and embracing every aspect about yourself (physical, emotional, mental, etc)

-Letting go of comparing yourself with other people (friends, family, the media, society in general).

-Living for YOU and not for people's approvals.

-Making your JOY top priority. Letting go of needing to be "right" by other people's opinions.

-And having the COURAGE to unveil the mask you have been hiding behind and "coming out of the closet" in all aspects!

Here is a video I did that I feel relates to this topic called "Unveil the Mask and Let Your Light Shine":

So tonight on part 2 we focused more on the Spiritual aspect and talked a little about our Spiritual journeys.  Tameko started the show off by talking about the beautiful and insightful video she did called "Many Roads One Destination":

Some of the things we talked about tonight on Part 2 were:

-All paths in Life (religious or not) are okay because it is the Path for You.  If we all are going to a destination of "6" then it doesn't matter how we add it up, 1+5, 4+2, 3+3 because it all adds up to and leads to "6."

-Trusting in your heart for guidance.  Listening to this guidance in meditation or stillness.

-Everyone is a Spiritual Being playing the role of a human right now.

-Seeing through the illusions we hold onto to see our true radiant nature.

-Allowing yourself to explore different religions, teachings, etc. Not keeping yourself in a box.

-Tameko shared a meditation tip.

*And Tameko also recommended a book called "The Courage to Be Yourself" by Sue Patton Thoele*

So we really had fun with this topic and next week we will be talking about Natural Hair Care.  Sharing some tips and talking about our natural hair journeys.  So tune into that show next Thursday at 11 PM EST.  And check out all upcoming shows and any archived show at  Namaste! <3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Organic Smoothie Recipe

Hello all!

Here's an organic smoothie recipe.  Try it!

Mixed Berry Smoothie


1 pkg organic strawberries
2 bananas
1 pkg organic raspberries
1 carton organic yogurt


Cut up the fruit and mix all of the ingredients into a blender. Blend on high for about 30 seconds, or until you reach your desired consistency. Enjoy! TIP: For a lighter smoothie, decrease the amount of yogurt and add ice.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Truth About GMO's

This show was a real eye-opener for both Jennifer and I, as we interviewed Janet Darby, an advocate for healthy living and empowering one's self with more knowledge to help with more conscious living.

Janet explained that a GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism, which means that the plant's DNA is altered.  GMO's can be found in such common foods as corn, tomatoes, papayas, etc.  In addition, many of these foods are processed into other foods, which can make them GMO products.

Janet shared a few alternatives for those of us who may not be sure what our foods have in them, no matter where we shop. 

  • Try growing your own fruits and vegetables
  • Participate in a community gardening project in your area
  • Empower yourself with more knowledge about food
  • Check out Wikipedia on GMO's
  • For more information on what's going on with your food, check out
We were very excited to have Janet on with us on Thursday's show.  We hope you will take a listen to the show in the archives @ or click the page at the top of the blog to listen to the player there. 

Jennifer and I hope everyone empowers themselves with more information about the food they are eating.  We will certainly do the same ourselves. 

CORRECTION:  On last night's show, I stated at the end that our next week's show is on Natural Hair Care.   It's actually a 2-part series called Staying True to You, which will be airing Thursday, 7/21 @ 11pm EST and Friday, 7/22 @ 11pm EST.  Our "Natural Hair Care" show is scheduled to air on Thursday, 7/28 @ 11pm EST. 

So, please join us for these inspirational and informative shows we have coming up very soon. 

Peace & many blessings to you all! Thanks for listening!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Additional Tips for Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras

Throat Chakra

  • Singing or Chanting
  • If you are the type to be quiet, try talking more. Speak up!
  • Use the sound vibration, HAM (Hahm)

Solar Plexus

  • Challenge yourself with something you've never done before
  • Rub your belly in a circular motion visualizing the yellow energy stirring there
  • Use the sound vibration, RAM (Rahm)

Another great thing is to get a massage, Reiki treatment, and/or meditate on a regular basis.  In addition, I recommend practicing Qigong or Tai Chi as well.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras Show

So this week Tameko and I talked about the Throat chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra.  We picked these two chakras because we each have had issues with them.  I have had issues with healing my throat chakra (speaking my truth, allowing my feelings to show, expressing myself-creatively, and staying true to myself) and Tameko has had issues with healing her Solar Plexus Chakra (nurturing/honoring herself and not giving so much of herself to others).

We opened it up by discussing the imbalanced and balanced archetypes for each.  For the Solar Plexus, the imbalanced archetype is the Servant where the person does not honor themselves and doesn't realize they deserve better than what they are experiencing.  When balanced, the archetype turns into the Warrior.  For the Throat Chakra, the imbalanced archetype is called the Silent Child where the person holds back from speaking their truth or showing their emotions. When balanced, this is the Communicator archetype.

Tameko went through brief descriptions for each chakra. Like how the Solar Plexus is symbolized by the color yellow and Earth element.  It deals with power, anger, confidence, and self esteem issues.  Health issues when imbalanced could be diabetes, stomach ulcers, or increased belly weight to name a few.  For the Throat chakra, it is symbolized by the color blue and is related to the ear chakras and the sound element.  This is all about creativity, self expression, speaking our truth, and honesty.  Some health issues if imbalanced could be throat, neck, and thyroid problems.

Some of the tips we had for the Throat chakra were expressing yourself more: talking, writing, singing, video blogging, etc.  Just allowing yourself to feel your feelings, and express however you are feeling or thinking to anyone around you.  Truly communicating, by balancing talking and listening. 

An interesting thing we found out was that each chakra we have issues with the most were related to our life path numbers in numerology (1 for Tameko and 3 for me).  1's deal with leadership, power, courage and 3's deal with self expression and creativity.  So it would be interesting to look at your life path in numerology and see if it relates to the chakra(s) you have been healing. Take this fun chakra test I found to see which chakras are balanced or imbalanced.  And here is a place where you can find out your life path number.

Tameko talked about her latest victory of going infront of the camera and singing for a few videos.  Since she has loved to sing for such a long time and this is truly her passion.  This helped her throat chakra AND solar plexus chakra with that courageous step. (yay Tameko! hehe)  It's intereting how connected the chakras really are.

Tameko is going to do another blog entry with some more tips she shared Thursday in healing the throat and solar plexus chakras since this is definitely her expertise. So as I go make some tea for my throat right now (a little scratchy), lol!  I am signing off with a video I did about a week ago on Staying True to You (a challenge) as I think this ties in really well with the chakra I have had the most trouble with (the throat).

Listen in next week on Thursday at 11 PM EST when we have our first guest and interview with Janet Darby on spreading the awareness of GMO's on our "The Truth About GMO's" show. If you want to be a guest on Soul SiSTARS e-mail us at  Also, follow us on twitter at @SoulSiSTARSbtr.  : )

Peace and Blessings! : )))

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Being at a Crossroads Video by Jennifer

Being at a Crossroads in Life

This past Thursday's show was an amazing one.  Jennifer and I talked about our personal journeys in regards to being at a crossroads in life.  We offered several tips on how handle being at a crossroads in life. 

*Honor where you are on the path. 
*Don't resist it.
*Be gentle with yourself at the crossroads.

And these are just a few of the tips Jennifer and I shared on the show.  We had such a great time sharing on this topic. 

We explained how being at a crossroads can mean different things for everyone.  Yet, we find that it's usually about letting go of the old to embrace the new. 

Check out Thursday's show on this topic in the archives @

Next week's topic is "Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras."  We look forward to connecting with you on this topic as well.

In addition to checking out this past Thursday's show, check out my video on the topic of "Being at a Crossroads in Life." 

We thank you for continuing to support Soul SiSTARS Radio.  We look forward to next week's show. If you have a question you'd like for us to read and respond to for our "Soul Guidance" segment, write us at  We look forward to hearing from you and responding to your questions LIVE on the air!

Peace & blessings!