Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zen and Inner Alchemy

So today was a really interesting show. This was such a timely show with the Autumn season here in the Northern hemisphere representing the Phoenix rising and the Spring season in the Southern hemisphere representing the butterfly breaking out of the cocoon. Equinoxes are definitely a time for Alchemy.

We started the show off with this quote by Osho to connect Zen and Inner Alchemy since they are closely related:

"Zen is not a believer's world. It is not for the faithful ones; it is for those daring souls who can drop all belief, unbelief, doubt, reason, mind, and simply enter into their pure existence without boundaries. But it brings a tremendous transformation.

Hence, let me say that while others are involved in philosophies, Zen is involved in metamorphosis, in a transformation. It is authentic alchemy: it changes you from base metal into gold. But its language has to be understood, not with your reasoning and intellectual mind but with your loving heart. Or even just listening, not bothering whether it is true or not. And a moment comes suddenly that you see it, which has been eluding you your whole life."

We then got to talking about Zen and living a Zen lifestyle which is simply living a more mindful, simplistic life where we are fully in the NOW.  We had some tips to allowing this:

-Getting more intimate with our feelings. Getting out of our head and into feeling whatever feeling comes up allows us to be more present. Living from the heart and feeling is a connection to Truth.

-De-cluttering our life.  Cleaning out our cars, houses, work spaces, etc. Letting go of what we no longer need. Keeping it simple in Life. Our Life is a reflection of what is going on inside.

-Detaching from outcomes, people, things, thoughts, feelings etc.  Allowing all to flow in and out of Awareness.  Simply being the Witness.  Knowing that we are Joy and it doesn't come from "out there."

-Embracing our inner child. Having fun. Playing games.  Doing things that make us lighten ourselves up and become focused on this present moment more and more.

-Giving our full attention to whatever we are doing right NOW. If we are taking a shower, for example, truly feeling how the water feels on our body and tuning into our senses.  This will help us see the miracles all around us and that the ordinary is truly extraordinary.

-Being in Nature.  This helps us to be more present and to clear our minds.  We can feel the ONEness with ALL and it puts things into perspective for us.  This also reassures us that in this moment, there are endless possibilities.  We have no limits once we let go of the belief in limits.

We then talked about Inner Alchemy and how the word Alchemy comes from Kemet (ancient Egypt).  Alchemy means transformation or metamorphosis.

We both talked about how our inner alchemy has been surrendering more to this moment and allowing everything to be how it is so we can flow with it.  This helps us be our true Selves more and be at Peace.

Tameko shared with us a powerful affirmation that is good to incorporate in your day: "All events flow towards a beautiful outcome."

Here is a video I did on Zen proverbs, quotes and sayings. Enjoy!

So next week's show will be Tameko interviewing Charles Fox about "Fatherless Children" This will be an eye opening interview about this topic and how we can heal our past so we can move forward.  The time for this show will be different from our regular time.  It will be at 11 PM EST.  Our shows afterwards will be at 9 AM EST again.  Check back soon to see the upcoming shows that we have scheduled.  We have some great shows coming up and different projects Soul SiSTARS will be doing in the upcoming months.  I am moving soon so I will be back on Soul SiSTARS on Thursday October 27th at 9 AM EST  I look forward to being reunited with all of you and sharing new insights then.  Have a wonderful weekend Divine siblings! Namaste. <333

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Meditation Music Day

Our show for this past Thursday (9/22) was an excellent meditation music day.  I played two African Drumming Circle mp3s.

In between the songs, I pulled an archangel oracle card by Doreen Virtue, which was Chakra Clearing.  This suggested to get some energy healing work done such as massage, Reiki session, or meditation.

After the second song, I pulled a tarot card for everyone. It was the Page of Cups, which suggested that a message or messages of love would be coming to everyone that day and during the weekend from one or more people.  I also suggested that everyone listening be that person to send a loving message to someone that day. 

Check out the archives to hear the nice music that really make you want to get up and dance a celebration of life and love. 

Tune in next Thursday (9/29/11) at 9am EST, as Jennifer and I will discuss Zen and Inner Alchemy. 

Peace & blessings!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Repair vs. Preventive Health Interview

Today we had a VERY informative interview with Amir Muhammad, a very passionate aspiring health and wellness entrepreneur and business owner.  He gave us some great tips on how to take preventive measures in regards to our health.  Preventive health practices make it so we don't have to take repair procedures (surgery, medicine, etc).  This cuts down on not only on a lot of money, time, frustration, and stress, but it can save your life!  This can help us live a happy and healthy Life.  When our body is healthy, our soul is healthy and vice-versa.  When our mind is healthy, our body is healthy.  Everything is interconnected.  Amir's main message is that the body can heal itself and we can find what we need to prevent disease or heal disease in Nature.  Gaia has all that we need to keep our temples in tip-top shape hehe.  So some of the tips (be sure to listen to the archived show for the plethora of rich information Amir shared with us) that Amir shared with us this morning were:

-Drinking more water. Try aiming at drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily.  Water has so many healing properties.  Water and fiber together are great for healthy digestion and elimination.

-Aim at eating 6 small meals a day and eating some healthy snacks in between.  This will give your body the energy it needs through-out the day.

-Eating more organic fruits and vegetables.  Some fruits and veggies he mentioned were: broccoli (great for women's health), blackberries (very high in antioxidants), blueberries (high in antioxidants), peaches, mangoes, strawberries (high in vitamin c), and acerola cherries (the best fruit for vitamin c intake).

-Cutting back on sugary foods and overcooked, fried, and processed foods.  Try eating mangoes or other sweet fruits when transitioning to cutting back on sugary foods and aim at eating foods that are broiled, steamed, and/or fresh.

-Finding a work-out that you can do consistently that you enjoy doing.  Finding something fun to you will ensure that you stick with it and it can be a great stress reliever!  Here's a great quote by Amir in regards to exercise, "Go at your pace, it's not a race, it's a lifestyle change."

Amir's Contact Information:

Twitter: @Wealthy23
Health Blog:

So next week will be a meditation music special on Thursday at 9 AM EST.  We have some exciting changes that will be happening in October for the show and us personally.  So stay tuned for some really neat things!  We will be adding some pages to this blog that will be updating you with what Soul SiSTARS has in store. ; ) hehehe  So have a wonderful weekend yall!  NAMASTE!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meditation Music Day

On this morning's show (9/8/11), I played two wonderful and very different meditation songs for our listeners. 

I started off the show with Ray Lynch's meditation song, The Temple, which is a beautiful instrumental perfect for sitting and walking meditation, yoga, or tai chi/qigong. 

Then, I offered the 48th Verse of the Tao Te Ching, which says:

Learning consists of daily accumulating,
The practice of the Tao consists of daily diminishing;
decreasing and decreasing, until doing nothing,
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

True mastery can be gained,
by letting things go their own way.
It cannot be gained by interfering.

Then, I shared the song, Karuna Sagari Ma, by C.C. White, whose CD, This is Soul Kirtan, was released today during Bhakti Fest at Joshua Tree.  Check out her website for a free download of the same song I played on the show here ~

Jennifer and I will be back next Thursday, 9/15/11, with our special guest, Amir Muhammad, as he talks with us about repair and preventive health care.  Please be sure to join us next week at 9am EST.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Soul Guidance-"Forgiveness"

Hey everyone : )  Our special guest Andrea Medina could not join us today because she is still recovering from hurricane Irene.  Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the hurricane on the East coast and we send healing energy and vibes. 

So today during our new time slot (9 AM EST) we decided to do a Soul Guidance show, where we allowed our souls to guide us in dialogue.  The show that our souls created was basically about forgiveness and healing the past.  Some things we talked about:

-Acceptance of the past and acceptance of ourselves and our current situations allows us to move forward.

-Healing the past through acceptance frees us of emotional baggage.

-Letting go of guilt feelings when walking away from certain situations or even family members so we can heal and move forward on our spiritual journey.

-Tameko brought up the story of the Buddha when he left his father's palace and left behind his wife and child in search of the root of suffering and enlightenment.  You can see the documentary on the Buddha called "The Buddha" on PBS's website.

-Allowing everything to naturally occur and letting go of resistance.

-Choosing Love over fear in every moment.

This show was very emotional and powerful for us as it brought up personal experiences in relation to forgiveness.  We really enjoyed seeing how Spirit would guide us for dialogue! Next week we will be having a meditation music show.  The following week on the 15th will be an interview with special guest Amir Muhammad about Repair vs Preventive Health.

"Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past." ~Lama Sabachthani

I also mentioned A Course in Miracles' definition of forgiveness and here is a video I did on ACIM quotes on forgiveness:

Namaste : )